Okoroafor Uju Christabel, a Nigerian lady has attracted the ire of many a Nigerian woman with her latest observation.
The lady is being dragged on Facebook for saying that women have turned the gym into a hook up place, photo studio and fashion house.
“Men have been going to the gym since 19kpirigidim. I’ve always known the gym as this tough house of grind… Sweat… Testosterone! They will go there, lift weights, banter and go home,” she wrote on Thursday, June 20.
“Since women started going to the gym, it has now became a hook up place, photo studio and fashion house.
“If they are not decked up in a full face of makeup and expensive wigs, they are in skimpy and provocative gym wears.
“They will exercise for 2 minutes, take pictures for 40 minutes, press phone for 30 minutes, walk round the entire gym for 20 minutes and finally go home.
“Some even touch up their faces before going home.
“Uwa chinelo. Ps. If you come on this post to misyarn, thunder will fire you in advance.”

Millicent Vera: Is the thunder that will faya the people that will come here to yarn okapta in advance for me
As in.. now the toilets in gyms are for quickies…
People have turned the gym to a club..
Now one person in a gym would have knacked over 80% of the other gender. Then they go disappear and go register at the next gym..
Now gyms are offices for giggolos.. married women and even married men go there to get thier fix. The gym instructors are the grand penetrationist .. if you are serious dey your house do your thing, only very very are there for the right reasons these days“
Read also:
‘You Have Body Odour’ – Lady Confronts Fellow Woman at the Gym (video)