'I Have Issue with Gay Christians Saying Christianity not Against Homosexuality' - Gay Activist Bolu Okupe

‘I Have Issue with Gay Christians Saying Christianity not Against Homosexuality’ – Gay Activist Bolu Okupe (photos)


Bolu Okupe, gay rights activist and son of former presidential aide Doyin Okupe, has declared that he has a problem with gay Christians who try to convince him that the Bible or Christianity is not against homosexuality. 

Bolu came clean with his sexual orientation in January 2021, a development that his father found disturbing and called for prayers.

READ: Hearth-Broken, Doyin Okupe Says Son’s Homosexuality is a Spiritual Attack

In his latest position on the his sexual preference, Bolu took to his his social media accounts to state his position gay Christians and their scriptural convictions.

'I Have Issue with Gay Christians Saying Christianity not Against Homosexuality' - Gay Activist Bolu Okupe
Bolu Okupe

According to Bolu Okupe @boluokupe· “I don’t have an issue with Gay Christians. I have an issue with Gay Christians who try to convince me that Christianity / The Bible is not opposed to homosexuality, when it clearly is.

When you ask Christians why they are opposed to homosexuality, they will begin to quote specific Bible verses that they feel gives them justification of being against it.

We can argue all day about how Jesus loves everyone or how the Bible is open to interpretation or outdated–etc but for me personally until these certain verses are revised or abolished, Christianity is not something I can get behind.

'I Have Issue with Gay Christians Saying Christianity not Against Homosexuality' - Gay Activist Bolu Okupe

“This is not to encourage anyone to be an Athiest, I believe in God and have my own personal relationship with God, I just don’t feel like I need to be-part of any specific religion to embody my spirituality.

I do appreciate all the responses and educative comments. In fact I agree with most. Especially from folks who are very educated on the topic like @RevJide, I just feel when deciding to follow a religion, the followers- should not need to feel like they have to pick and choose the guidelines that they follow, if you can’t fully commit to a the practices then it is clearly not sustainable for you in this current day & age.

'I Have Issue with Gay Christians Saying Christianity not Against Homosexuality' - Gay Activist Bolu Okupe
Bolu Okupe

And if there are certain doctrines or practices of your religion that you don’t necessarily support or agree with, perhaps it’s time to start having the conversations about these certain teachings / practices being insupportable & outdated and perhaps eventually abolished or revised.

“The conversation for me is now way past the point of sexuality, there are many things in the Bible that will not be permissible in this modern day and age. We can probably throw the whole Old Testament in there but yet we pretend daily that it’s a sacred book that most never be spoken against or touched.

End of rant, had to get it off my chest.

Read also:

‘A Lot of Women in Africa Are Married to Bisexuals’ – Doyin Okupe’s Son (photo)

‘I Have Issue with Gay Christians Saying Christianity not Against Homosexuality’ – Gay Activist Bolu Okupe