'Impregnating One's Wife is Sin' - Mummy G O's 'Brother' (video)

‘Impregnating One’s Wife is Sin’ – Mummy G O’s ‘Brother’ (video)


A preacher whom many have likened to the controversial Mummy G O and described as her brother has warned that “impregnating one’s wife is sin.”

The preacher whose name is not yet known gave the revelation while preaching at a local motor park in a southeastern state of Nigeria.

He said that getting married is not against the will of God but men ‘impregnating’ their wives is sin.

The preacher stressed that any man who gets his wife pregnant must ask God for forgiveness.

Mummy G O’s ‘brother’ added that taking any form of medication is also sin.

Asking people to amend their ways, the nameless preacher said using bleaching cream is equally a sin, chewing gums, wearing trousers and wristwatches are all sins.

A voice at the park was heard asking if the preacher was impotent and he replied saying not every woman that sleeps with a man gets pregnant.

The street pastor preaches further that any man hugging a woman he’s not married to is a sin, as dowry must be paid before such can happen.

Read also:

Mummy G O Shows Off Her Life of Luxury in Dubai (video)

‘Impregnating One’s Wife is Sin’ – Mummy G O’s ‘Brother’
