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JUST IN ! Northern Elders Ask Buhari to Resign

News - Women's Perspective

Nigeria’s Northern Elders’ Forum (NEF) has asked President Muhammadu Buhari to resign from office immediately following the rising insecurity and particularly, killings in the north.

The position of the group was made known by the Director, Publicity and Advocacy of NEF, Hakeem Baba-Ahmed on Tuesday.

Baba-Ahmed noted that President Buhari’s administration does not appear to have answers to the security challenges in the country.

JUST IN ! Northern Elders Ask Buhari to Resign
Hakeem Baba-Ahmed and President Buhari

He added that Nigerian constitution allows leaders to voluntarily step down if they prove incapable of leading.

According to Baba-Ahmed, “The administration of President Muhammadu Buhari does not appear to have answers to the challenges of security to which we are exposed. We cannot continue to live and die under the dictates of killers, kidnappers, rapists and sundry criminal groups that have deprived us of our rights to live in peace and security.

Our constitution has provisions for leaders to voluntarily step down if they are challenged by personal reasons or they prove incapable of leading.

“It is now time for President Buhari to seriously consider that option, since his leadership has proved spectacularly incapable of providing security over Nigerians. Our Forum is aware of the weight of this advice, and it is also aware that we cannot continue to live under these conditions until 2023 when President Buhari’s term ends.”

The NEF Publicity Secretary noted that criminals in the country have sensed the vacuum at the highest levels of leadership.

In his words, “Killers and other criminals appear to have sensed a paralyzing vacuum at the highest levels of leadership, and they grow more confident and acquire more competence in subverting the State and our security.

“Nigerians have shed enough tears and blood without appropriate response from those with responsibilities to protect us.

“There are also groups who deepen the concerns of Nigerians over the possibility of a safe and free campaigning and conduct of the 2023 elections. Comments which threaten those parochial political demands must be met, rather than negotiated or processed through the democratic process threaten all Nigerians and hint at a wider space for violence in the run-up to the elections, and after it.

“These comments are unbecoming of elders, and they detract from the genuine and difficult search for good leaders who will be totally committed to one nation with very serious challenges.

“Our Forum re-commits to engagements and dialogue with all politicians and groups to seek the lowering of tensions and stresses which represent threats to our democratic process. The Forum condoles families who have lost members, and prays with those whose members are kidnapped that they will be reunited without further delay.”

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JUST IN ! Northern Elders Ask Buhari to Resign