Supreme Court Stops UK from Sending Asylum Seekers to Rwanda

JUST IN ! Supreme Court Stops UK from Sending Asylum Seekers to Rwanda


The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom has stopped the British government from sending asylum seekers to Rwanda in Africa.

It declared the contentious move as illegal.

The plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda was devised to discourage individuals from making perilous journeys across the Channel in small boats.

In Rwanda, individuals will be given the option to seek asylum within the country, return to their home country, or pursue asylum in a different nation, excluding the United Kingdom.

According to BBC, Lord Reed, President of the court, says there is a “real risk” asylum seekers may be sent from Rwanda to the places they fled from.

Since the announcement in 2022, the plan has been thwarted by legal challenges – the High Court ruled it lawful before the Court of Appeal overturned the decision.

The Supreme Court has now confirmed the Court of Appeal’s decision.

According to UK Supreme Court, “Judgment has been handed down this morning in the ‘Rwanda Appeals.’ UKSC 2023/0093, UKSC 2023/0094, UKSC 2023/0095, UKSC 2023/0096, UKSC 2023/0097, UKSC 2023/0105…”

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