Lady Catches Boyfriend Cheating After He Convinced Her to Abort His Baby (video)

Lady Catches Boyfriend Cheating After He Convinced Her to Abort His Baby (video)

News - Women's Perspective

A pregnant woman in Delta State has caught her boyfriend cheating on her with another lady hours after he convinced her to terminate her pregnancy.

The distraught woman was seen outside the man’s flat late at night asking him to open the door for her.

When she was asked what happened by neighbors, she narrated that she has been dating the man for a while and was currently pregnant for him for the third time.

He had asked her to terminate the pregnancy but she refused because she had done so twice already and was scared of becoming barren if she did the abortion for the third time.

The boyfriend got angry and left her so she decided to just remove the baby so they can all go their separate ways.

On the day they were supposed to go to the clinic to terminate the pregnancy, the man refused to show up claiming he was unwell.

She tracked him to his house only to discover he was having a good time with another lady behind closed doors.

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