Linda Ikeji Blasts Meghan Markle for Commonising Prince Harry

Linda Ikeji Blasts Meghan for Commonising Prince Harry

Billionaire blogger, Linda Ikeji, has blasted American actress cum Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, for commonising Prince Harry and villainising the royal family.

Linda’s option follows the couple’s tell-all Netflix documentary set to be released in a few days.

In a post shared on Instagram, Linda noted that the manner in which Meghan is making a mockery of Harry’s life and selling it to Netflix is sad to watch.

According to Linda, if she had the opportunity Meghan had, she would use the platform to touch and change lives and not constantly whine like a little girl.

The single mother of one added that Meghan is estranging Prince Harry from his family and villainizing her in-laws.

She wrote: “The way Meghan has commonised Harry is sad to watch. A real life Prince making a mockery of his life and selling to Netflix. It should be beneath him…but Meghan…oh Meghan. Sigh

“If God made me a real life Princess, I’d use the platform to touch and change lives not constantly whining like a little girl….and estranging my man from his family. If the royal family didn’t approve of Harry marrying Meghan. He would not have married her. So why all this unnecessary war? Are we supposed to feel sorry for her? Why villianize her inlaws? Rest abeg Meghan”.

In another post, Linda Ikeji said:

Linda Ikeji Blasts Meghan for Commonising Prince Harry
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‘I Am 43% Nigerian’ – Meghan Markle Reveals Her Genealogy (video)

Linda Ikeji Blasts Meghan Markle for Commonising Prince Harry

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