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Locked out of Hostels, Covenant University Students Resume to Covid19 Risks

News - Women's Perspective

Covenant University, one Nigeria’s “most prestigious” private universities has recalled students who were forced to go home following the covid19 lockdown.

Oblivious of the impending lockdown from the covid19 pandemic, the students were sent home for Shiloh immediately after a rushed 1st semester.

They were forced to stay away for weeks while other schools had barely 1 month to the end of the 2nd semester. With the lockdown, their stay away from school is not at least 2 months longer than other schools.

It was therefore Cheering news when the authorities invited them back.

Sadly, on resumption, administrative lapses kept the young men and women out of their hostels, in the rain and heavy floods and at the risk of contracting the highly contagious deadly corona virus disease.

The school’s management did little to alleviate the suffering of the students as most of them slept in the rain till the next morning with no concrete plans of improved conditions.

One of the students complained that:

Locked out of Hostels, Covenant University Students Resume to Covid19 Risks

Old students of the University and concerned Nigerians lament the development:

To make matters worse, hostel arrangements are not planned in any way as students are expected to be lodged in crowded rooms with very little ventilation and no window mosquito nets.

Unfortunately also, students were sent home mid-session because the Chancellor needed to use the hostels for the frequent gathering of church members.

This is a tradition that students and guardians of Covenant University grapple with as the young adults are forced during those programs to travel back home irrespective of the distances or states they have to ply.

More harrowing is that they must go home each time with their entire belongings. Most frequent of the church programs is the Shiloh, a mass gathering of church members hosted in the student hostels.

Some parents and students have asked if the Founder and chancellor of the school who is also the Founder and Bishop of one of Africa’s largest churches (Winners Chapel) could not make separate church activities from school programs.

With the flooded school streets, hostel premises and drenched personal belongings, students stand the risk of contracting covid19 en masse.

Read also:

Covenant University Lecturer Forces Student to Shave Beard Online