Madagascar’s Cure for Covid19 Doubted Across the World

5th July Covid19 Report: Nationwide, Worldwide

Madagascar’s cure for covid19 continues to be doubted across the world. President, Andry Rajoelina is taken aback by the development.

He insists that the herbal mixture made mainly from the anti-malarial formula, Artemisia can cure patients of the coronavirus disease within 10 days.

According to him, it is unfortunate that the world doubts the remedy just because it is from Africa and more so, one of the world’s poorest countries.

Speaking to France 24 News correspondents, Rajoelina said that is country’s cure for covid19 would have attracted more respect if it was produced in a Western country.

With a dint of frustration, President Rajoelina asked the correspondents that “what if this remedy had been discovered by a European Country instead of Madagascar ? Would people doubt it so much ? I don’t think so.

“The drink is derived from artemisia – a plant with proven anti-malarial properties and other indigenous herbs.

“What is the problem with Covid-Organics, really ? Could it be that it is because this product comes from Africa ? Could it be that it’s not ok for a country like Madagascar, which is the 63rd poorest country in the world to have come up with this formula that can help save the world ” 

However, Rajoelina remains adamant that doubts notwithstanding, no country or indeed WHO will stop his country from moving forward. He insists that the remedy for covid19 falls in line with the country’s long history of herbal formulae for ailments.

According to him, out of 171 confirmed cases of the deadly #COVID19 disease, 105 were cured with Covid-Organics while no single death is reported so far.

At least 6 African countries have taken delivery of the medication. Nigeria’s consignment arrived on Saturday.

Prior to Madagascar’s cure for covid19, the Ooni of Ife as well as some Nigerian scientists has proposed herbal and clinical remedies. Unfortunately, none has been given any meaningful attention.

Read also:

Herbal Cure for Covid-19 Proposed by the Ooni of Ife

Ooni of Ife Blasts Ministry of Health as Madagascar’s Herbal Medicine Export Soars

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