Man Dies After Suing New Wife for Witchcraft

Man Dies After Suing New Wife for Witchcraft

A man who recently accused his wife of witchcraft has been found dead in his house.

The newly-wed is said to have been living in fear and had even predicted that he would not live to see the August 9, elections in Kenya

Senior Principal Prosecution Counsel Fredrick Ashimosi was found dead in his house a few days ago.

His neighbours broke into his house to discover his decomposing body after they felt a stench emanating from his abode

Court documents now show the 47-year-old was living in fear of his life after accusing his wife of practising witchcraft

In court documents in which he had responded to his wife’s divorce suit, Ashimosi had claimed he left his matrimonial home to live in a hotel due to the alleged witchcraft.

“I discovered that she is always n@ked while in the room and enters the room in a reverse manner. That, upon deep visionary prayers, I have come to learn that my wife, the petitioner, is a member of the 1lluminati and that she had erected an altar of a cult upon payment of a sacrifice.

Ashimosi had stated in his affidavit as quoted by the People Daily that, “she is a devil worshipper. She rears evil, demonic and satanic spirits in the form of ‘majinis’ in her room and she is a witch who widely consults other witches all over the world,”

He died three days before a ruling on the divorce case was delivered.


Benard majengo: This must be Jezebel in making ,, the dark side of the universe.

Leen chemutai: Nothing beats the power of prayer. Your wife /husband was once a stranger, you don’t know the spirits that run their families or themselves, learn the importance of having God in your life. PRAY

Juliet Karani: The tongue has the power of Life and death. It’s you to choose

Davis: Everything we do in this universe,has a repercussions. Do good to humanity and you will receive the same in return,become evil and in the end all evil deeds will return to you in full force…it’s your choice

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Man Dies After Suing New Wife for Witchcraft
