Man Discovers His Wife is Married to Another Man (video)

Man Discovers His Wife is Married to Another Man (video)


A Ghanaian man has revealed how he discovered that his wife is married to another man living in the same city with them.

According to him, a gentleman accosted him in town demanding why he is driving his wife’s car. identified here as husband ‘A’, he responded that the car belonged to his wife.

Husband ‘B’ then took him to see the vehicle particulars and he confirmed they belonged to the same woman who told husband ‘A’ that she bought the car on a loan.

Husband ‘A’ said he has been helping their wife service the loan monthly.

The shocked husband then demanded for photos of the woman in question from husband ‘B’ and discovered that they are those of his wife.

More shocking is the fact that the woman cleverly designed a schedule to service both men seamlessly.

She told husband ‘A’ that she was doing a “Masters program and spends all her weekends in school.” Unknown to him, her weekends are spent with husband ‘B’ who had no idea what she is into.

Husband ‘A’ says the fraudulent woman has 2 children for him.

The video:
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Man Discovers His Wife is Married to Another Man (video)