Man Elopes 2nd Time with Another Woman after Looting Wife's Entire Wealth

Man Elopes 2nd Time with Another Woman after Looting Wife’s Entire Wealth


A Twitter user identified as Hannah Rachel has narrated how a man eloped with another woman after looting everything the wife ever worked for.

According to Hannah Rachel @hannahmuktar, the man ran off 15 years earlier with the strange lady, leaving his wife with 4 kids to cater for. 

Hannah recounts that the man returned a pauper. Sadly, 5 years after she welcomed him back, he reportedly looted everything she worked for once again and ran off again. 

This was after the excited wife gave testimony in church, while her Pastor and congregation blamed the man’s initial action on the devil.

Read the tweets below…

”This woman’s husband eloped with another woman leaving her with 4kids to carter for, the last child was barely a year when he left. We knew her in church as the woman whose husband left her for another woman, 15years later this man came back a pauper and the woman received him with arms stretched wide, no accountability, no nothing, the last child he left was already done with secondary school and man just appeared from no where.

“She gave testimony in church and kept saying blaming everything on the enemy, the man stood besides her and said nothing

“The church including the pastor said it was the handiwork of the enemy and all. He asked them both to kneel on the alter and said we should pray for them, so appalling yeah??? Well 5years after his return, he has looted everything she’s worked for and ran off again. Masha Allah.”


Ralph: “You see marriage & married people. They’re the most tricky set out there. Don’t judge until u know exactly what’s going on btwn them. Since I began counseling, I’ve been shocked beyond my imaginations. Let me leave it there. If I tell you just one case out of many, you go fear.

umam @adamsblackk: “The pastor should be responsible for the upkeep of the family henceforth. Even if the woman is acting all virtuous, is he not supposed to put the man on blast and inquisition. Shepherding rubbish!!

@Chyss: “The thing about this is God will keep providing for her child, the woman will always bounce back and the man will meet his Waterloo someday

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Man Elopes 2nd Time with Another Woman after Looting Wife’s Entire Wealth