Man Stabs Father 33 Times for a Life Time of S*xual Abuse (photos)

Man Stabs Father 33 Times for a Life Time of S*xual Abuse (photos)

Stories from the heart

A 31-year-old man is said to have stabbed his father to death following years of s*xual and physical abuse.

According to Sean Maurice who was jailed for 10 years for manslaughter after being cleared of murder, he was treated like a housewife by his dad.

Maurice plunged a knife into the back and chest of his car salesman father, Paul Maurice a total of 33 times during a frenzied attack at the family home in Bromley, southeast London on September 14, 2021.

Sean, a father-of-one, fled the scene across the back gardens of adjacent properties and climbed onto a shed roof, leading to a stand-off with police which ultimately ended in his arrest.

Mr Maurice, 52, branded a ‘dreadful father’ by a judge today, told neighbours he did not want to die as he collapsed bleeding on their doorstep, the court heard.

In police bodycam footage Sean told officers: ‘I’ve got nothing to lose… you lot are trying to arrest me because I beat up my dad who abused me, he r#ped me… and you want to arrest me? What kind of f*****g justice is that?’

Sean admitted manslaughter but was cleared of murder by the Old Bailey jury in central London after 13 hours and 11 minutes of deliberation.

Wearing a white shirt and tie, he collapsed and sobbed with relief as the verdict was delivered.

Later sentencing him to 10 years in prison, Judge Dennis Watson, KC, said: ‘During the trial you spoke of your father’s violence and his physical abuse of you.

‘Your sister and brother spoke of similar abuse at his hands and on the evidence I have heard I accept that your experiences were the worst. I also accept that this abuse has caused you lasting damage.

‘Your personal situation became unstable, and you used alcohol and drugs as a way of dealing with problems and stress and this must have contributed to your erratic behaviour and deteriorating mental health.’

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Man Stabs Father 33 Times for a Life Time of S*xual Abuse (photos)