'Men Who Marry Wives That Cannot Cook, Risk Dying Before 60' - Man Warns

‘Men Who Marry Wives That Cannot Cook, Risk Dying Before 60’ – Man Warns

Family Discourse

A Twitter user has taken to his platform platform to warn men of the dangers of marrying women who cannot cook.

He stated that such men may not live past the age of 60 if they marry wives that cannot cook.

According to John Doe, how long a person lives after they are 40 is dependent on the kind of food they eat from that age onwards.

He stated that it is important that all ladies learn to prepare healthy meals for their men and control what they eat.

John Doe Wrote:

“If you marry a woman that cannot cook, chances that you’ll live longer than 60, is slim.

“What you consume after 40, will determine how long you’ll live. Every woman MUST study how to prepare healthy diets, & take control of what her husband eats.

“Indomie generation. End.”

'Marry A Wife Who Cannot Cook, Risk Dying before 60' - Man Warns

Reacting, Stephen Chris said that:

The Awesome Trade replied that “He has a point but why didn’t God make man to also get pregnant so he could interchange with his wife? Nature already assigned roles. So there’s JD. However, Love can override JD in certain circumstances. But it shouldn’t remain that way. Everyone should do their Job.”

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‘Marry A Wife Who Cannot Cook, Risk Dying before 60’ – Man Warns

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