Melania Trump, Son-in-law Jared Kushner Advise Donald Trump to Accept Defeat

Melania Trump, Son-in-law Jared Kushner Ask Donald Trump to Accept Defeat


Melania Trump, First Lady of the United States of America as well as Trump’s son-in-law have advised him to concede the election and accept the result of the recently concluded elections.

Both members of the First family told him to accept Joe Biden’s win and move on.

Unfortunately, his own children and adult sons in particular insist he presses on with contesting the results. Also in support of the President’s position are some of his close allies.

According to CNN, Donald Jr and Eric Trump have galvanised “Republicans and supporters to publicly reject the results.”

Trump’s campaign team is currently putting together a messaging blitz to amplify how victory was stolen from him through corrupt vote counts.

They also plan to use campaign style rallies to drive home their message. Sadly, no evidence has yet been given for the claims.

Reports say the the Trump organisation plan to use the blitz to showcase obituaries of people the Biden team claim voted for him.

Trump was at his golf course in Sterling Virginia when Bidens victory was announced.

He thereafter accused Biden as “of rushing to falsely pose as the winner” when the race is “far from over.”

 He has also mobilised his legal team to challenge the results to any level. The legal battle is projected to start today.

According to Trump, “I will not rest until the American People have the honest vote count they deserve and that democracy demands.”

Some of the hopes that Biden’s presidency holds for Americans:

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Time To Heal, Time To Make America Respected Around The World Again – Joe Biden

Melania Trump, Son-in-law Jared Kushner Advise Donald Trump to Accept Defeat