Bishop TD Jakes

Moment Bishop TD Jakes Collapsed While Preaching in Church (video)


Church service at the Potter’s House of Dallas abruptly came to an end on Sunday when Bishop T.D. Jakes suffered a health incident while preaching.

An internationally renowned preacher and motivational speaker, Jakes was speaking about the joys of preaching shortly before the incident occurred. A video of the medical emergency spread across social media shortly after the incident.

Bishop TD Jakes

I still love to preach. I ain’t tired of preaching,” Jakes, 67, said to the audience. “I miss you.”

Have you ever gone to a hospital to visit somebody, and you thought it was going to encourage them, and they encourage you?” That’s what preaching is like,” he continued. “You think you’re giving out something, you’re getting back more than you gave.”

The pastor then moved on to quoting Psalm 19:14 before going silent.

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, my redeemer, let them go in peace,” he said.

Jakes then stopped speaking and appeared to spasm while sitting in his chair and staring into the distance. Attendees and church members who looked like medical personnel rushed on stage to help him, and a speaker asked the audience to pray for him while he was being tended to.

The preacher’s X account posted an update about the medical emergency later on Sunday.

During today’s service, Bishop T.D. Jakes experienced a slight health incident and received immediate medical attention following his powerful hour-long message,” the statement read.

The update also added that Jakes is currently “stable and under the care of medical professionals.”

The entire Potter’s House family is grateful for the outpouring of love, prayers, and support from the community,” the message added. “Thank you for your understanding and continued prayers.”