Mother Narrates How She Caught Her Maid Trying to Rape Her 12-Year-Old Son

Stories from the heart

A distraught Ugandan mother has narrated how she caught her maid red-handed trying to rape her 12-year-old son.

She said the lady was found completely naked and ready to sit on his little manhood.

Shantal Mirrors Show, the media house the enraged mother spoke with on telephone described the mother as almost fainting when she ran into them in the middle of the night.

She said the maid is 20 while her son is only 12 years old.

She said, “I have always seen hearing arguments between those two but i didnt really care because i thought its the normal fights of shouting between people living together as a family.

So one day in the mid of the night by Gods grace i wokeup to drink some water, i heard some noise coming out from the second bedroom where my two sons, my nephew and the maid sleep i know you are suprised the boys sharing a room with the maid but hey its Kampala and iam still renting anyway back to the story. I decided to go check whats happening, i found the maid in the suit of Adam and my son in a panty both standing.

When i asked whats going on, the maid shouted shouted on top of her voice accusing a 12yrs old of wanting to rape her, i asked my son what is going on he said nothing mom, i was not going to rape her. So i lied that i have a camera in this camera you better tell me the truth before i check the camera. my son said yes as hes crying and the maid started crying and asking for forgiveness. Since that day my son decided to be to at school in holidays he goes straight to my mum who happens to be the grandmother. Right now iam looking for a maid have not yet sacked her i have a 5months baby and iam a working mother. i just miss my son,” the Mother said.