Nigeria Dealt Dr Chinelo a Fatal Blow in Abuja-Kaduna Train

Nigeria Dealt Dr Chinelo a Fatal Blow in Abuja-Kaduna Train

Stories from the heart

The death of Dr. Megafu Nwando Chinelo, one of the victims of the Abuja-Kaduna train which was attacked by terrorists on Monday night has attracted mixed emotions from the Nigerian public.

She is said to have tweeted her friends to pray for her as she had just been shot at. Many took her message as a false alarm and fake news.

Chinelo is a medical graduate of the University of Port Harcourt who was said to have resigned her appointment at St Gerald’s hospital in Kaduna with plans of exiting Nigeria on Friday, in search of greener pastures overseas.

In her last tweet before taking her final breath, she wrote, “I’m in the train. I have been shot please pray for me,” Chinelo’s last tweet on the microblogging platform read.

Nigeria Dealt Dr Chinelo a Fatal Blow in Abuja-Kaduna Train
Nigeria Dealt Dr Chinelo a Fatal Blow in Abuja-Kaduna Train

ne of her professional colleagues Dr Barb@babvoshiya wrote: “She is a colleague, DrChinelo she was shot dead in the Kaduna-Abuja train that was attacked by bandits,I might not know her in person but i cried and am hurt, i learnt she was preparing to leave the country and this tragedy happened to her May God comfort her entire family

Nigeria Dealt Dr Chinelo a Fatal Blow in Abuja-Kaduna Train

She died form the wounds sustained from the terrorists attack on the train she boarded.

The development has sparked several angry and emotional reactions on Twitter with many lamenting that her country had failed such a young promising talent.

Some who obviously did not take Chinelo’s tweet seriously at the time she sent it, mocked her when it surfaced online

Dr. Chinonso Egemba@aproko_doctor· It’s the same people who defend this administration that came out to mock a fellow Nigerian who was shot on the train People who have no conscience, no empathy DrChinelo is dead now, are you happy? Are your paymasters pleased with you? Vile, depraved beings! Scum of the earth

DaddyMO@therealdaddymo1· DrChinelo is dead and many people mocked her when she cried out for help. Iyabo Awokoya, are you this heartless??

Scott_P@anchellottii· Incase you are wondering why she is not here to reply all of you that accused her of doing it for the clout, DrChinelo is Dead..Nigeria has failed one of us again.

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Lemonade_@_kathiiie· Please let’s at least respect Dr chinelo and not post her dead body. Since she asked for prayers and got curses and laughter instead, we can at least respect her enough to not post her body.

Read also:

Young Dr Chinelo Shot and Killed in the Abuja-Kaduna Train Attack

Nigeria Dealt Dr Chinelo a Fatal Blow in Abuja-Kaduna Train