Obasanjo Scores 2 Goals in Novelty Football Match to Mark 85th Birthday (video)

Obasanjo Scores 2 Goals in Novelty Football Match to Mark 85th Birthday (video)


Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, today scored 2 goals in novelty football match to mark his 85th birthday.

The octogenarian played for the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL) against the Ogun State Government team.

Six goals were recorded in the match. OOPL won by four goals out of which Obasanjo scored two while the State Government team scored only two goals to make 4-2.

The 85-year-old was the captain of the OOPL while the Ogun State Government team was led by the Deputy Governor, Noimot Salako-Oyedele.

Before the match, Obasanjo was seen in his full kits showing up some football skills to cheer fans and well-wishers who came to felicitate with him.

Speaking to newsmen after the match, Obasanjo appreciated God for his fitness in spite of his age.

Nigeria’s 3-time leader urged everyone, especially the elderly, to practice DREMS – Diet, Rest, Exercise, Medical examination and Social interactions.

He said that these are the secret behind his agility and fitness despite his age.

On his part, the Ogun Deputy Governor said, “As part of the events commemorating the 85th Birthday of our Elder Statesman, His Excellency Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, I captained the Ogun State 5-a-side team against the OOPL, one captained by Baba himself.

It was a goal-fest with Baba scoring several goals himself.

“May Almighty preserve us all to celebrate with Baba again next year in good health.”

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Obasanjo Scores 2 Goals in Novelty Football Match to Mark 85th Birthday (video)

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