Dike Chukwumerije, Nigerian lawyer, writer and performance poet, says Nigeria’s democracy is faulty and flawed but it is evolving regardless.
He added that he may not agree with how Tinubu got into power as the president of Nigeria but as long as he is there, he has to respect the office.

Dike made the statement in an interview with Arise News, Prime Time program when Charles Aniagolu.
The host asked Chukwumerije whether after this 2023 presidential election, he still sees Nigeria as a democracy or he thinks the alleged election manipulation changed the environment and if he is now questioning the nation’s democracy.
Dike responded that Nigeria is an emerging, evolving democracy. He added he still think that we are still in democracy,
“We have a flawed, defective one but we are still a democracy and it is important we continue on that journey of evolution and that it is not going to happen in one day but we have to be steadfast and resilience in the pursuit of a better democracy. “
“The election was deeply flawed from where I stand and it’s important that we are also being challenged in a democratic way in court. It is also important that we respect the institution, laws and symbols and offices of our government as establish. Even though I may not agree with how you got into power as long as you are there, I need to respect that office, and you also need to respect my right challenge the process I think were flawed.”