'Our Husband Came Clean, Don't Bash Him' - First Wife of Polygamist Pastor Speaks (photos)

‘Our Husband Came Clean, Don’t Bash Him’ – First Wife of Polygamist Pastor Speaks (photos)

Family Discourse Relationships

Kagiso, the first wife of Seraki Kemmonye Seraki, a popular polygamist pastor from Botswana, has praised her husband for coming clean with an affair.

She urged people not to condemn him for marrying his second wife, Mpho.

The first wife Kagiso, who stated this in a recent interview with Botswana’s oldest magazine, Kutlwano, noted that their husband could have kept Mpho a secret but he chose to marry her instead. 

Rising in his defence, she said: “Do not be too quick to bash our husband. He could have kept Mpho a secret, but he chose to do the right thing, which is not alien to the African culture.”


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