Outrage as Prophet Odumeje Climbs a Reverend Sister During Deliverance

Outrage as Prophet Odumeje Climbs a Reverend Sister During Deliverance


Controversial Pastor and general overseer of the Mountain of Holy Ghost Intervention Deliverance Ministry, Onitsha, Chukuwuemeka Ohanaemere also known as Odumeje or indaboski bahose or better still, Liquid Metal has caused public outrage once again.

He was filmed during church service atop a reverend sister who lay speak-eagled on the floor.

Odumeje claimed in like manner above her with both hands clasping hers while he spread her feet apart with his own feet.

He then went on to do a couple of bashes with his waste on top of her while the announcer said he was “going into the body of the reverend sister to save her for Christ Jesus.”


What kind of deliverance is this… This odumeje is blasphemy God …. This is so inhumane and disgusting all in the name of finding healing…. Indeed we are zombies

alsh158 “I don’t know which one is more shocking; Their performance position, the background music or the commentator

seddy_seddyProblems of life. may we not see problems that will make us disregard commmon sense.