Pastor Poju Oyemade and Reopening of Churches During Covid19

Pastor Poju Oyemade and Reopening of Churches During Covid19

Coronavirus Pandemic

Pastor Poju Oyemade has lent his voice to calls for churches to reopen amid the covid19 pandemic.

In a message preceding Bishop David Oyedepo’s call that churches be allowed to reopen Oyemade said that closing  physical church building does does not reduce the power of the Holy Ghost.

Prior to his position on reopening of churches, Apostle Johnson Suleman had also asked to be allowed to visit isolation centres to heal covid19 patients.

In a message shared on his social media platforms, Poju Oyemade who is also the  Senior Pastor of the Covenant Christian Centre said that

“Closing the doors of a physical building does not in any way mean the closure of the anointing of the Spirit from working. The sick we see healed in the book of Acts were healed on the streets, in people’s homes, in public places and not within the 4 walls of a church. 

“Church buildings may be shut down but true faith and anointing of the Spirit has not stopped working.

“There is a difference between expression of emotions and the manifestation of the anointing to heal the sick. There is no where in Jesus’s ministry where the healing of the sick was preceded by a congregational service.

“In the book of Acts, the sick were healed predominantly on the streets with no fanciful service going on. Closure of a church building does not stop the rivers of living water from flowing out of your belly. It resides in our inner man.

“There was collective prayer to receive a supply of the Spirit which led to outdoor manifestations.

“To this, Paul himself attested to the fact that we don’t have to be together in a physical space to receive that supply. Did he not say to the church in Phillipi, ‘I know this shall turn to my salvation through your prayers and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus.’

“The church was miles away from where Paul was.

Pastor Poju Oyemade added that “Charles Finney began a massive revival by people praying in their homes all keeping watches at the same time. They all chose. the exact time to pray and they did in their homes until the Spirit broke out on the streets.

“They did not criticise any other church or ministry of weakness. Criticizing others doesn’t attest to the fact that you have strength. They only stayed with God until something broke out on the streets.”

Read also:

Apostle Johnson Suleman to Government: “Allow Pastors Heal Covid-19 Patients”