Perilous Times are Here: Doyin Okupe's Fierce Battle with Covid19

Perilous Times are Here: Doyin Okupe’s Fierce Battle with Covid19

Coronavirus Pandemic

By middle of 2020, Doyin Okupe contracted the dreaded disease and survived.

In an expose titled COVID 19: PERILOUS TIMES ARE HERE!!! (2 Timothy 3 vs 1), the medical doctor gives recommendations on how not to be victim


“Indeed perilous times are here concerning this 2nd wave of covid19 variant.

“It is almost a season of deaths. I have personally lost many loved ones, close friends and associates in the last 2 weeks. Its unbelievable, yet it’s TRUE, and it’s real. It is especially devastatingly fatal for the aged and elderly, 60years and above.

“But it is shattering previously held demographic myths. This time around, the infection is more prevalent among 25yrs to 45years. Touching both the rich and the poor alike. But preponderantly fatal among the older patients.

“Yet the real problem seems to be that we have all lowered our guards and started talking of “in the covid period” as if for certain, #COVI19 has indeed departed our shores.

Why COVID-19 Spares the Poor in Africa - Doyin Okupe
sSudents masked up on resumption

“The indisputable and unarguable fact which for all intent and purpose holds true is that WEARING FACE MASKS (properly) Works and can stop us from getting infected or infecting someone else.

“Fortunately, more and more useful informations are coming out from everywhere, that can help to save lives. Please take note of the following:

1. Wear face masks always. If u are an elder, wear it even in your house outside of your room. Your children, staffs may be asymptomatic carriers. They may be mildly affected and recover in few days. But an infection from them to you, though unintended, may prove fatal for you.

2. When outside the house keep social distance. U may also carry on yourself a small sanitizer which you use frequently as you make contacts with people.

Why COVID-19 Spares the Poor in Africa - Doyin Okupe
Party at Queens Park today

3. Totally avoid parties or large gatherings. It does not matter whose party or what is being celebrated. When all this is over, you will party and enjoy with relatives for the rest of your life.

4. Take vitamin D3 & vitamin C daily. 5.Take Zinc and other common immune boosters daily. 6. If you suspect you may have been exposed, you may consider taking a 5-day course of Ivermectin tabs and deoxycycline. Although much research is still being done on this, empirical evidence confirms they are useful in cases of early infections.

7. In addition to no 6 above, if you seriously think you have been exposed, you can add STEAM INHALATION twice daily for a week. You can use a bucket of boiled water cover your head with a large towel or bedsheet, inhale with your nose and exhale with your mouth 10 times.

Then inhale with your mouth and exhale with your nose another 10 times. Repeat at night daily.

8. Virtually most scholars agree that vitamin D3 may help prevent covid19 infection, but even in case of an infection, there is abundant clinical evidence that because it seriously boosts the immune status of people so effectively, it moderates the severity of the infection.

9. Finally petition your God and Creator daily. He alone healeth and can guarantee safety of yourself and house hold.

The virus is a creation of the Almighty God. And He said concerning the works of His hand we should command Him. Isaiah 45 vs 11-13. He also promised in Psalm 91 vs 10. “…No plague shall come near your dwelling”

Why COVID-19 Spares the Poor in Africa - Doyin Okupe
The biblical plague of Egypt

Tracing the frequency of perilous times, Dr Okupe added that “It is a fact that these devastating scourge or pandemic come every 100years. This regularity over centuries suggests someone brings it about. Someone is in charge.

“If Psalm 24 is true that the earth is the Lord’s and its fullness thereof, no power can unleash these plagues upon the earth (His property) without His approval and it authority.

“Therefore let us all with fear, trepidation and reverence, appeal the God of all Creations, to protect us and our household and in His Mercy end the Pandemic.

“Afterall He said call me in the day of Trouble and I will answer you. (Psalm 20 vs 1)

“May the Almighty God show us all His Mercy, Heal our land, and save the continents of the world through the Grace of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Master. AMEN!

On surviving the ailment in 2020, Dr Okupe narrated his ordeal to Channels Television’s Chamberlain Usoh:

Read also:

Why COVID-19 Spares the Poor in Africa – Doyin Okupe

Perilous Times Are Here: Doyin Okupe’s Fierce Battle With Covid19