Racial and Gender Discrimination Greet Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala in Geneva

Racial and Gender Discrimination Greet Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala in Geneva

Breaking News !

The newly appointed Director General of the World Trade Organisation, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala resumes work today in Geneva, Switzerland and is already dealing with racial and gender discrimination.

On the 11th of February, ‘Donnerstag‘, a Swiss newspaper published an article titled “This Grandmother will become the new boss of WTO.”

Protesting the article, Linda Klare-Repnik, Coordinator Environmental and Social Management System of Switzerland, said that “If it had been a white man, the title would have been along the lines of, “Havard Economist, Ex-World Bank Managing Director and Minister of Finance…”.

Klare-Repnik noted that “After a storm of outrage, they changed the online version to ‘This 66-year-old Nigerian will head WTO.’ Still not giving adequate credit. What a shame !”

Racial and Gender Discrimination Greet Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala in Geneva

In her inaugural speech in February, she indicated that she had so much work to do and will get on it immediately.

Nonetheless, at least 124 Ambassadors in Geneva signed a petition protesting the racial and gender discrimination.

The action of the ambassadors drew an apology and denials from the newspaper that published the discriminatory article.

The newspaper’s apology still had undertones of support for the editor, however, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has accepted it as an apology and expressed appreciation to the diplomats for their support in a tweet last night.

According to her,

According to Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala@NOIweala· “We need to call out this behavior when it happens. This is precisely what my book Women & Leadership coauthored with @JuliaGillard talks about – the stereotypes women face when they take on leadership positions.”


Onuora Onianwa@onuoracreate·I never saw the thing but this apology doesn’t come across as strongly as it should to me. “We apologize for this editorial mistake”? Maybe it’s just me but this doesn’t seem worded in a way that actually shows remorse. Let me be grateful that they have at least apologized for it”

Dr. Chizoba Wonodi@chizobawonodi
·The apology does not go far enough, but it is a step in the right direction. People should get over their racial and sexist biases and realize that we African women will not let our hard won successes be overlooked or belittled. They are on notice. We r proud of you”

Aniyamuzaala James Rwampigi(He/him)@Aniyamuzaala
·Acknowledgment is the first step to addressing racism but not enough. Education and training helps in uprooting racism. The news paper and authorities in Switzerland should commit to education and training on elimination of racism”

Olamide B. OBE (aka Gentleman, alias O.B.O)@olajideobe
·The apology is shallow, but apologizing in the first place was the right thing to do. I hope we overcome this stereotypes that women and Africans face generally in the world. I’m very proud of you ma. I wish you a successful tenure at the WTO as yoh resume today.”

CHINASA@amazontina·One question who got fired? Who wrote the headline since it didn’t appear mysteriously who ever wrote it and the editor that approved it for printing needs to be fired. and this apology did not appear like I am sorry apology to @NOIweala more like sorry the public did not like it”

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Happening Now ! New WTO-DG Holds Inaugural Press Conference

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