Raped 10 Times by Different Men - Child Safety Advocate (photos)

Raped 10 Times by Different Men – Child Safety Advocate (photos)

Stories from the heart

A humanitarian and Child Safety Advocate, Okkuwatobi Raji Olawode has shared her harrowing experience of sexual abuse having been raped 10 times by different men.

She described how painful, shameful and horrible her multiple rape experience was during a recent interview with Femi Stephen, a correspondent with TheseTimes.

When asked what her first sexual violation experience was like, she said the first unforgettable incident lasted years before she began to find healing.

Okkuwatobi disclosed that “the perpetrator was my maternal uncle.i was eight years old. My mum knew about it but she warned me not to tell anyone.”

When asked if she pressed her mum to get her uncle punished for his sins, she said she not shown any pity but treated as the bad child instead. She was also not taken to the hospital.

According to her, “Not at all. Instead, I was seen as the bad child who was corrupt. I didn’t get any medical treatment or psychological support.”

Interviewer: “I understand you were raped several times by different men. How many times and how many men? The interviewer asked Olawode.

Okkuwatobi: “Yes 10 times by 10 different men. These happened to me from the time I was 13 to 19.

Revealing how she became so vulnerable to rape Okkuwatobi said that, “I was homeless at a point. Some who did this were total strangers. I lost my father at an early age, while my mother travelled out of the country for greener pastures leaving us in the care of friends.

Interviewer: “Did these incessant rapes lead you to make wrong choice in life ?”

Okkuwatobi “Yes, I began to see less of myself and accepted valueless individuals as acquaintances. There were moments my only solace was in alcohol and smoking.

“I’m still healing. I started undergoing psychosocial support which helped my healing process. My ex introduced me to this doctor who referred me to a psychologist. Well, I do not do this often, only when I am down which I have longed to stop with the help of God.

Interviewer: “What is your advise for sexually abused women ?”

Okkuwatobi: “My word is, there is a lot in life to achieve and victories to be won. Forget the past and move on. This can be quite difficult at the start but you can. Engage more in positive discussions, make valuable friends and visit places of interest.”

Interviewer: “How can parents and society help to fight the scourge of sexual abuse and rape ?”

Okkuwatobi: “Parents and guardians have a huge a huge role to play but unfortunately, they also share in the guilt. Parents should educate their children early enough. They should let them have sex education and teach preventive measures for sexual abuse. Also, when it happens, the alleged perpetrator must be held responsible. And such must not be covered, regardless of who is involved.”

Read also:

My Kidnapper Raped Me Twice a day for 7 Days – Captive

Raped 10 Times

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