Reason 'JESUS' is Trending on WhatsApp Groups across Nigeria

Reason ‘JESUS’ is Trending on WhatsApp Groups across Nigeria


Since midday today, June 7, ‘JESUS’ has been trending across WhatsApp groups as many people changed their DPs and group statuses to the heavenly name.

This comes after a popular gospel singer, Nathaniel Bassey urged Christians across different social medium to share the name ‘JESUS’ into the atmosphere following the attack on Christian worshippers.

The incident occurred at St. Francis Catholic Church, Owo in Ondo State, on Sunday, June 5th resulting in international condemnation and throwing many Christians into mourning.

To cleanse the atmosphere of the sorrow and tears the Ondo massacre brought upon the nation, the singer via his Instagram page, urged every Christian believer to make the word Jesus their profile picture and statues.

Posting the picture, he wrote; “Can we make this our profile picture at 12 noon on all your social media handles? (WAT) in a few minutes Time. And also share as a post on your timeline and as your story. And for the rest of the day ??? And also declare that name into the atmosphere ! JESUS! Let the world ask what is going on. And we’ll tell them – JESUS IS GOING ON !”

Can we do this?
Tag others !

“9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Phil 2:9-11

Let’s release this fragrance over our land and nation. And the nations of the earth. 

JESUS over Nigeria !
Peace be still !
IN JESUS’ name. 

Nathaniel Bassey also asked everyone to write “JESUS ! UNAPOLOGETICALLY.

One of the things that happens when we proclaim Jesus is that demons cry out.

“And suddenly they cried out, saying, “What have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?”
Matthew 8:29

Jesus reigns over our nation !

Interestingly, a lot of Nigerians in and across Nigeria obeyed the singer, as statues and profile picture of christian are covered with the word, Jesus.

Reason 'JESUS' is Trending on WhatsApp Groups across Nigeria