Rita Dominic Officially welcomed by Older Wives of Husband's Community (video)

Rita Officially welcomed by Older Wives of Husband’s Community (video)

Family Discourse

Newly wed ace actress, Rita Dominic Has been officially welcomed into her husband’s community by the older wives of his kinsmen.

Those wives do not necessarily have to be older than the new wife by age. They are older in hierarchy by virtue of the fact that they got married before the newest addition.

The rite is taken seriously Igboland in order for the latest entrant to take her position among the women and be given the full respect that her new status demands.

Having joined the respected community of co-wives also known as ‘inyeme di,” her husband would also be seen as fully married.

The “nwunye di” (singular for “inyeme di”) then cooks for her seniors and holds a little party in appreciation of their live and fellowship.

These rites come after the wine carrying aka “igba Nku” which Rita Dominic did a few days ago.

“Igba Nkwu” is the full traditional wedding which comes after various stages of family introductions and intent declaration.

Before being welcomed by older wives, the new wife would have been escorted to her husband’s house in another interesting ceremony known as “idu uno.”

“Idu Uno” comes immediately after “Igba Nkwu“, at this stage; the bride visits the groom’s home for the first time and she goes along with a young maiden or younger sister who isn’t married. The girl’s mission to keep her company in her supposed unfamiliar setting.

Before she begins her journey, the bride’s family gifts her with items she will need to start her new home. These include cooking utensils, bed-sheets, suitcases, boxes, sewing machine, bed, pillowcases, plates, clothes and other essential things needed to begin their new life with her husband.

The bride’s sister or family can go back home after a few days to give feedback to her people on how hostile or loving her sister’s new environment is.

Having gone through these stages, the marriage is sealed forever and the couple hardly contemplates a separation except in very adverse situations.