SCARY ! An Intruder Has Assess to Businesswoman's House for 1 Year

SCARY ! An Intruder Has Assess to Businesswoman’s House for 1 Year


A businesswoman Cira Nzube, along with neighbours residing in the Olodi-Apapa area of Lagos have been left stunned to discover that an intruder has been entering her apartment in her absence for the past one year.

The intruder simply identified as Papa is a cobbler who operates just outside the building. Unfortunately for him, luck ran out on him on the 29th of April, when Cira returned from work earlier than usual.

On arrival, the lady could not open the door to her apartment as it was locked from inside. She undertook to knock and even bang on the door but there was no response.

Cira then attempted to gain entrance through the back door when she heard someone trying to open the front door.

According to her, “On April 29,2021, I told my sister that I’d be going to the Island. I didn’t know that the cobbler was eavesdropping on our conversation. He later asked me if I would be going to the Island and I responded in the affirmative. But I just went to see someone close by and returned home immediately.

“When I got home, I tried to open the door but it was difficult. It was like someone had locked it from inside. I banged the door and called my neighbours. I had to use the back door.

“As I was trying to enter through the back door, I heard a rattling sound from the front door. I was shocked to see the cobbler walking out through the front door. I ran after him to inquire what he was doing in my flat. He flared up and said I was embarrassing him. I raised the alarm and my neighbours joined me.

“He (the cobbler) confessed to have been coming to my flat in my absence for over 1 year. He said he loved my bed and and that he wanted to take food, because he was hungry. He was among the people who helped clean the house before I moved in, but he refused to drop the key. So, he had always kept a duplicate key to my apartment.

The businessman disclosed that she was always mystified to find how fast her groceries, cooking gas and other items depleted but she kept it to herself as she could not fathom anyone entering her apartment in her absence.

She added that, “We have reported the incident at the Apapa Police Station and the police said they have launched a manhunt for the suspect. The police want him to sign an undertaking that he would never return to the house, but he’s nowhere to be found. I don’t know if my apartment is still safe. I am scared,” she added.

When contacted on phone, Papa (the intruder) became hostile and refused to speak.

Read also:

Chapter 1: Vicky’s Turn

 housing unit