Shocking ! Masked Up Doctor Arrested For Trying To Inject HIV Into Don-Davies' Veins - Mother

Shocking ! Masked Up Doctor Arrested For Trying To Inject HIV Into Don-Davies’ Veins – Mother

Stories from the heart

A 71-year-old medical doctor, Effiong Udimudue is reported to have arrested after he masked up and allegedly sneaked into the hospital to inject Don Davies with HIV.

The boy’s mum, Deborah Okezie alleges that Doctor Udimidue succeeded in taking Don-Davies’s blood samples.

According to her, the doctor was from the Deeper Life High School but pretended to be a medical doctor at Athanasius Hospital where her son was admitted after she picked him from school in December.

According to Deborah, it was the same doctor who perform blood tests on Don-Davies when he was admitted and declared him HIV negative.

The principal of the school has, according to Deborah, brought up another native. “They are saying my son is HIV positive, they are claiming he came to school with a lot of drugs.

“This was after they sent their doctor to St Athanasius Hospital, the first hospital where we took Don-Davies to for treatment.

“Their Doctor, a 71-year-old man, masked up and was taking blood samples. I just said I know you, you were the same person that tested Don Davis when he first came to the school and he said yes, that he was there to support a colleague. What sort of support is that ? He is in police custody now.”

Deborah said that a teacher also claims that as soon Don Davis was omitted into Deeper Life High School, other children started falling ill.

“Thank God I have the video of the boy when he just got into school. I took Don Davis to Deeper Life High School on the 8th of October. After 2 days, his father called me to go back to the school and take his son’s picture.

“He wanted to see what the boy looked like in uniform. When I got there, it was the same Akpan that helped me take that picture. I didn’t know God allowed that to happen for a day like this.”

Ms Okezie also took video shots of the name of the hospital where the 71-yer old doctor is alleged to work at.

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