‘Don’t Reveal Your Account Details to Loan Apps out of Desperation’ – Lawyer Says Why

A lawyer, Kayode Jimoh, on Friday advised members of the public to refrain from disclosing their bank account details to secure loans online. Jimoh told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Ilorin that giving out bank account details to borrow money online is dangerous. He said many Nigerians have out of desperation been defrauded […]

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Federal Government Announces Loan Apps Authorized to Operate

The Federal Government has announced its approval of 173 digital lending applications to operate in Nigeria. According to the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC), it has given conditional authorisations to 54 loan applications while 119 got full approvals. The move by the FCCPC comes after years of harassment and cyber bullying that some […]

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