Teacher Caught on Camera Having Sex During Zoom Meeting (video)

Teacher Caught on Camera Having Sex During Zoom Meeting (video)

A Birmingham City School teacher was caught on camera having sex while in a zoom meeting with her colleagues.

It would appear that she was not aware she had activated her device’s video as the footage is already viral.

In the video, the teacher is seen lying facedown, wincing as her body rocks back and forth as if someone was pushing her from the rear.

A half naked man appeared above her very briefly as her body movement accelerates.

She soon lost focus on the meeting and seemed no longer concentrating on proceedings. Shouts appearing to either cheer her on or warn her by her colleagues were also not heeded as she completely lost focus.

tea_n_the_shade who shared the video online said the teacher’s colleagues could not believe she was the one in the video in such an awkward position.

Sadly, even her students are said to have gotten hold of the video and are also circulating it.

According to her, “Birmingham City School teacher caught in a very awkward position during a meeting. According to several teachers that claim to know her personally she was in a meeting and they don’t believe she was having intercourse but many students have allegeded otherwise.

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Canadian Lawmaker Caught Naked During a Zoom Meeting (photo)

Teacher Caught on Camera Having Sex During Zoom Meeting (video)