How Apostle Johnson Suleman Predicted Today's Plane Crash (video)

Trump’s Defeat, Biden’s Impeachment, Lady President – Apostle Suleiman


Trump’s defeat was predicted as early as 2018 and reiterated in March 2020 by Apostle Johnson Suleman in a video that surfaced yesterday.

The video also shows Suleman prophesying that the next Vice President of the United States of American will be a lady.

He added that Trump’s opponent will not be in power for too long as he will be impeached making way for the lady to take over as president.

In his words:

America should not joke with the next election because they all will support the opponent of the current President.

Before I go further, let me say this, the Lord gave me a prophesy last year or so, or two years ago that Trump will nit be re-elected and I was worried. I said it, I’ve been worried. I’ve been praying.

And the Lord said to me that anything the Lord tells us is for us to intercede because they will all support his opponent.

The opponent is not the issue but his running mate is. The running mate is a lady and if the opponent wins, the opponent will be impeached for the lady to take over.

Their current agenda is to humiliate him. They have succeeded in making him a mockery in America while they are now free from it.

America will be healed.”

A list of other prophesies were also published in 2018 against years 2019/2020 by Apostle Suleman.

A number of the prophesies have largely come to pass. Some of the predictions concerning Nigeria have also been fulfilled.

Read also:

Apostle Johnson Suleman to Government: “Allow Pastors Heal Covid-19 Patients”


Trump’s Defeat, Biden’s Impeachment, Lady President – Apostle Suleiman