Ukraine Invites Russian Mothers to Come Pick up Their Captured Sons (video)

Ukraine Invites Russian Mothers to Come Pick up Their Captured Sons (video)

Ukraine has called on the mothers of Russian soldiers captured in the battlefield to come pick their sons.

News reports stated on Wednesday that the Defence Ministry of Ukraine gave the advise in an apparent attempt to mock Moscow.

“A decision has been taken to hand over captured Russian troops to their mothers if they come to collect them in Ukraine, in Kyiv,” the ministry said.

Kyiv has claimed that they have captured dozens of Russian servicemen with videos circulating online of bewildered and disarmed young men in uniform.

Kyiv has gone ahead to open a telephone hotline for Russian parents to know if their sons are alive and dead.

Phone numbers and email addresses have also been published online to provide information about captured Russians, and mothers will be invited to Kyiv to collect their missing sons.

You will be received and taken to Kyiv where your son will be returned to you,” the ministry statement said.

According to EPIA Security News@EuropeanPIA·#Ukraine National Guard: “The capturedRussian occupier tells of atrocities in his army -officers kill their wounded soldiers, leave the dead on the battlefield, do not inform relatives.” Nothing is different from the days of the Red Army in Europe. They rape, and kill their own.”

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