M C Oluomo, the chairman of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) has issued a warning to commercial drivers ahead of Monday’s gradual easing of government’s lockdown directive.
In a press release dated May 2nd, he reminded of them of the governor’s instructions that vehicles must not load more than ‘60% loading capacity.’ He also added that no driver should pick any passenger that does not have a face mask.
According to him, there will be Taskforce officials on the roads to ensure strict compliance to the governor’s directives.
In his words,
“All passengers must put on their face mask. Failure to use it, such passenger should not be allowed to enter their vehicles.
“Tricycle Owners and Operators Association of Nigeria (TOOAN) are to abide by the Lagos State government’s directive of carrying two passengers at a go.
Oluomo added that “drivers and bus conductors are to ensure the practice of social distancing by operating at 60% loading capacity.
“Let us all support the efforts of the state government in fighting this pandemic by adhering strictly to the above guidelines and many more that had been given by the authorities.
“It is no longer news that the whole world is currently fighting a war that is unlike the conventional war. The most challenging thing about this ‘health war’ is that it cannot be seen, has no cure and is a no respecter of social status, age or gender. The number of confirmed cases sadly keeps rising locally and globally.
“Sadly, the strange ailment keeps claiming lives of the patients and those treating them. Quite inspiring are some retired medical professionals, who came out of retirement to help save lives. The efforts of the health care workers during this period will forever linger in our hearts. You are truly the heroes !
M C Oluomo added that “We are using this medium to appeal to all our union members, drivers in particular, to please strictly follow the directives of he state and federal governments, National centre for disease control (NCDC) and World Health Organisation (WHO) in order to stop the avoidable spread of the virus.”
Speaking further in his statement, the NURTW chairman said that “In order to work in synergy with the Lagos State Government directives, the NURTW Lagos State Council has set up a Task Force Unit to arrest any driver/ Union member that violates or go against the guidelines below:
1. The NURTW state Secretariat will operate at 60% staff capacity forthwith. The staff members that are to resume at the office will be duly communicated.
2. The Secretariat will operate between 9am to 3pm daily.
3. Only motor park chairmen and park attendants are allowed to resume at their respective motor parks for now, this is aimed at reducing crowd at the motor parks.”