US Covid19 Vaccine Trial Successful So Far

US Covid19 Vaccine Trial Successful So Far

Coronavirus Pandemic News - Women's Perspective

The US covid19 vaccine produced by the county’s pharmaceutical giant, Moderna has given a glimmer of hope.  This is in view of the fact that trials on all initial 8 volunteers have proven successful.

The Guardian reports that the vaccine produced an antibody response that suggests it is safe for humans. Moderna researchers however, say that the results will be a breakthrough and relief for countries desperate for a cure for a disease believed to be impossible to eradicate without a vaccine.

A study by the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases reports that the neutralising antibodies produced by all 8 volunteers were tested in a lab and found to stop the virus from replicating.

The study revealed that the higher the dose given to the volunteers, the more the antibodies were produced.

On their part, rival researchers from the Oxford University in the UK are also working at breakneck speed to complete research on their vaccine.

Initial studies showed that people vaccinated were liable to be infected and continue to spread the virus. When trialled on Macaque monkeys, it was found to cure pneumonia and not the coronavirus.

The Oxford research are partnering with the renowned pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical company, AstraZeneca to produce at least 30 million doses of their vaccine for use in the UK. This will depend on whether the vaccine works. However, they have received a UK funding of £65.5 million from the government.

On its part the US covid19 vaccine trial by Its company, Moderna still requires to go through more stages of research before it is certified for full scale use.

For not, only the youngest group of volunteers have had their results released. The next phase involves 600 and a much bigger number in July 2020.

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