‘Why You Must Run from a Man Comfortable Being Jobless’ – Uchemba Counsels Aspiring Wives (video)

Family Discourse

Nigerian social media influencer and actor, Williams Uchemba has taken to Instagram to advise women planning on getting married.

Uchemba advised that they should not marry a man who is comfortable with being jobless and allowing their wives to be the breadwinners of the home.

Williams said when he was dating his wife, he noticed that she was always going out to buy things whenever she visited him. He said he had to stop her and instructed her to always ask him for money for anything.

‘’There is something in a man, some call it ego. There is something that God has put in a man to provide. A man is built to not just protect but provide. Ladies, if you are dating someone that is comfortable with being jobless because you have a good job, Run. It is a red flag because when God created Adam, the first thing God gave him was a job and when the job was too much, God said it is not good for this man to be alone. Let us give him a helper.

“One of the primary purpose of a wife is to help, to support what the man is doing, not to be breadwinner or a provider”

Uchemba added that it is understandable when life happens and a woman becomes the breadwinner for a period of time while trying out a new source of income.

The actor added when a man is comfortable for his wife to be the provider because she has a good job, such a woman should run.