Woman Fleeing Afghanistan Gives Birth Mid-Flight (photos)

Woman Fleeing Afghanistan Gives Birth Mid-Flight (photos)


A pregnant woman fleeing Afghanistan gave birth mid-flight in a Turkish Airlines flight en route the United Kingdom.

The airline disclosed that 26-year-old Soman Noori was delivered of her baby on Saturday, the 28th of August after she went into labour mid-flight between Dubai and Birmingham.

She was assisted by the airlines staff and her husband as there was no doctor on board. They cleaned her up and wrapped her in a blanket.

Reuters reports that the delivery took place in in the Kuwaiti airspace. A video shows the crew posing with the baby.

According to the Evening Standard, this is the 3rd child for Noori and husband Taj Mom Hammat who name the baby Havva, meaning Eve.

Reuters also reports that the passengers o board the flight were Afgahns who work with the UK.  

There is no automatic citizenship for planes flying into Europe. Nonetheless, by the Convention on the Rendition of Statelessness, countries that have signed on offer babies born under such circumstances citizenship in the country where the aircraft is registerCuriously for refugees, the plane might be registered in a country that has no connection to aircraft’s final destination.

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Central and South Asia

Woman Fleeing Afghanistan Gives Birth Mid-Flight