Woman Gruesomely Mauled by Her Own Pit Bull inside Elevator (video)

Woman Gruesomely Mauled by Her Own Pit Bull inside Elevator (video)


A woman escaped death by the whiskers as her pit bull went wild, suddenly turned on her and gruesomely mauled her in an elevator.

The 25-year-old lady is said to have been tying her shoes in her living room in Cucuta, Colombia, when her four-year-old pit bull suddenly came for her, biting her arm.

She ran to the elevator to seek refuge but the dog followed her.

The footage of the attack showed the woman bleeding heavily on the floor of the lift, with the dog still clamped onto her arm.

Video (graphic footage, discretion advised):

The woman is said to have eventually escaped by banging on the lift’s buttons with her blood-stained hands and running into the foyer when the lift opened.

She survived her bloody ordeal but had to have surgery on her arm which was ripped to shreds.

Woman Gruesomely Mauled by Her Own Pit Bull inside Elevator (video)

A police spokesperson told a local news site, La Opinian that, “When the animal jumped on her, the only thing she thought was that if she stayed on the fifth floor, no one was going to rescue her.

“She has fractures in two fingers of her right hand, a phalanx on her left. She is still hospitalized and pending transfer to a clinic for a medical procedure.”

Woman Gruesomely Mauled by Her Own Pit Bull inside Elevator (video)
Woman Gruesomely Mauled by Her Own Pit Bull

Local authorities have said they will investigate the animal’s living conditions.

They noted that the pit bull will be sent to the Zoonosis Center of Health Secretariat of Cúcuta for a ten-day behavioural analysis which will decide its fate.

It is said that pit bulls are no longer permitted in the UK because of the danger they post to their owners.

Hope  @NofearinHope·roberto andrixo commented on MailOnline UK that, “Pitbulls are banned in the UK for these obvious reasons, they aren’t even nice looking dogs. Morons usually get them for a hard image.”