Women of Easy Virtue Pray in Tongues That Men Pay Them Large Sums

Women Of Easy Virtue Pray In Tongues That Men Pay Them Large Sums Of Money


A video has surfaced of young women of easy virtue praying in tongues that men pay them large sums of money for the day’s hustle.

In the video shared online by Victoria Zibigha, three of the women were seen holding hands and asking God to forgive them their sins because their ‘hearts are clean.’

The 3 who appear to be strippers were all skimpily dressed for the day’s business while one prayed that God softens the hearts of men so they can spray them with their “hard-earned money.”

She added that the men who earn salaries must also bring their money out for the evening and release everything on them.

Satisfied that they had received mercy, they all jumped in excitement and displayed some of their skills.

A fourth lady sat waiting for them to finish praying so they can head out.

Read also:

Strippers Entertaining Guests at a Naming Ceremony (video)

Women of Easy Virtue Pray in Tongues That Men Pay Them Large Sums

Sex work